Sunday, September 29, 2019

Live Dealer Casinos - How Important is Our Trust in Technology?

Simply stated, our trust in technology can make or break an industry, particularly industries where risk and/or chance is involved, such as online gambling. While we may be living in the technology age, and kids today seem to have technology and gadgets coursing through their veins, there is a rather large demographic of individuals who are not quite so anxious to become tech savvy themselves. While day to day life in modern society requires some level of technological knowledge, there are people who try to keep that requirement to a bare minimum. Why is this? Why are they not excited about all the technological advances which seem to make life so much easier?
There are several reasons that people avoid becoming slaves to technology, and hence avoid the online gambling scene altogether. Such a huge dependency on technology can make people feel like they do not have control of the circumstances surrounding their finances, as well as other areas of their lives which are driven by technology. These people actually think about the possibility of a day when nobody has power, all computers go down, and they are unable to make financial transactions, which prohibits them from buying food, and the fear factor just escalates from there. Because the banks depend on technology to function, people who do not trust technology often worry about the safety and accessibility of their money. The significant increase in identity theft has not helped these people feel any better about technology. Banking is just one example, but you get the idea.
The online gambling industry has come up with a way to reduce the fear factor in online gambling technology, and increase the trust factor. When it comes to gambling, there is a huge demographic of people that simply do not believe that a computerized version of a casino game could be completely fair. They do not trust that random number generators are the answer, and so they simply refuse to play. Not only are they missing out on some exciting and thrilling gaming, but they could also make a dramatic impact in online casino revenues for casino operators. This being the case, it was in the casino operators' best interested to find a solution to this issue. It is funny that technological advancements were the key to comforting the fears of those who do not trust technology, but that was exactly the case.
Advancements in Internet connectivity, as well as video and audio web streaming have enabled online casinos to add something to their gaming environment that has changed everything. What could this remarkable tool be? Well, it is called good, old fashioned humanity. Yes, they have added the human factor back into the equation, and online Live Dealer games are revolutionizing the world of online gambling. While most technological advancements strive to eliminate the necessity of humans in certain functions, Live Dealer casinos sought to bring live people back into the game. Online gaming enthusiasts are delighted and a whole new audience of players has joined in on the fun.
How it works is quite simple actually. Players are able to see and hear everything that is happening in the game they are playing. They can actually see the cards being dealt, the dice being rolled, or the roulette wheel being spun. They can hear what is being said at the game table, and can even interact with the dealer through the live chat feature. It really is the next best thing to being there, only much more convenient. People who at one time would not consider online gambling due to their distrust of technology have flocked to Live Dealer casinos and have a whole new perspective on things. Even those players who have played all along before the Live Dealer gaming was possible indicate that they do feel more confident in the legitimacy of the game when they are playing with a live dealer. Live Dealer Casinos are enjoying a surge in customers and popularity due to adding Live Dealer games to their repertoire. It all boils down to trust, and the response that Live Dealer Casinos have gotten proves that no application, interface, or program can really replace our need for a human connection.

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