Sunday, September 29, 2019

Review of Australia's Interactive Gambling Act

Australia's Interactive Gambling Act places stringent restrictions on offshore operators in the country's online gambling market. While the law has been enacted for just over a decade, lawmakers are already looking into possibly amending it. Over the past year, it has become apparent that Australia's online casino market is outdated, as many countries around the world have started regulating the activity. As such, the government has made a call for submissions for the Interactive Gambling Act Review, in which researchers and operators can make a case for regulating offshore online gambling.
Review topics included a wide range of subjects that are important in the world of online gambling. Individuals and groups were able to submit papers regarding information about the growth of both regulated and unregulated online gambling, the innovation of new online gaming technology, the risk of problem gambling and regulatory approaches.
According to the discussion paper, the government recognized that the wording of the Act may have caused some difficulties in the "interpretation and application of certain provisions of the IGA". So, the government also accepted submissions regarding the adequacy of its current gambling laws. This is likely to prove to be an interesting review topic, as many organizations around Australia have expressed their displeasure with the way in which online gambling is regulated in the country.
Regarding this particular topic, the government wants to obtain certain perspectives, such as:
- Are there sections of the IGA which could operate more clearly?;
- Are there more effective means of enforcing the prohibition?; and
- What role should sports bodies and broadcasters play regarding such advertising?
The government is no longer accepting review submissions, and a team of researchers and gaming experts is currently reading each paper in order to determine how to proceed with any possible amendments. During this time, the gambling review committee will hold workshops with stakeholders in the Australian online casino market, discussing issues that have been brought up in various submission papers.
According to the Department of Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy, the review should be finished by the beginning of 2012. The department hopes to provide its findings to the Minster for Broadband, Communications and the Digital Economy by Spring. At this time, the government will decide how to amend the current Interactive Gambling Act. Offshore and local operators eagerly await this moment, as it could change Australia's online gambling market forever.

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