Monday, October 7, 2019

37 Casino Gambling Systems

37 Casino Gambling Systems
Here's my list of the best casino gambling systems. Please don't see them as a way to get rich quick, they are for fun only.
Unless otherwise shown, I've chosen Roulette as the default game, but many can be used in Blackjack, Baccarat etc. I'm not claiming that these are all original systems, it's just a collection of the best ones that I could find, or think of. When I suggest you ''bet 1'', it is 1 unit of whatever size you choose, whether that's 1 penny or $100.
1 - Oscars Grind. Bet 1 on Black or Red. Each time you win, bet 1 higher until you get a losing bet. Stick to the level you are at until another win, then go 1 higher again.
2 - 1,3,2,6 progression. Bet 1, go up the sequence only on a winning bet. Any losing bet, go back to 1.
3- 2 Dozens. Bet 1 on a 'Dozens' section, and 2 on another Dozens. If one wins, increase the bet on the losing section by 1, take the bet off the winning section, and place 1 on the Dozen that was not covered in the first bet. Carry on, increasing stake by 1 a time. If no win, increase bet by 1 on the same Dozens.
4 - Paroli Progression. Start with 1. Double your bet after a win, If you lose at any stage, go back to 1.
5 - Fibonnaci Progression. Bet 1. If it loses, bet 1. If that loses, bet 2. Any further bets are the sum of the previous two bets like this - 1,1,2,3,5,8,13,. Stop at a winner.
6 - Put 1 on the '1st 12' section, and 1 on '19 to 36'. This covers 30 of the 37 numbers in European Roulette.
7 - Parlay. Bet 1. If it wins, add winnings to your original stake and bet again. If that wins, add all winnings together and bet again. If you are feeling brave, do it again. Go back to 1 after any losing bet.
8 - Place 1 on the numbers 5, 14, 23, and 32. Place 8 around each of these numbers, each unit overlapping onto the number it surrounds. So around number 5 you will have a corner bet on 1,2,4,5; a split bet on 2,5; a corner bet on 2,3,5,6; a split bet on 4,5 etc. Any time 5, 14, 23, or 32 are spun, you get a 144 unit payout.
9 - D'Alembert. Bet 2, for each losing bet go up 1. For each winning bet go down 1.
10 - Place 1 on 0. Place 1 on 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36. Place 5 on '1st 12'. Place 5 on Black. Place 1 between 16 and 19. Place 1 between 18 and 21. All numbers covered, and a 56 unit payout on 16, 18, 19, and 21.
11 - 1,2,3,5,1 Progression. Start with 1. Only go up on a winning bet. Go back to 1 on a losing bet.
12 - Pick 5 numbers at random. Bet 1 on each. If any come up within 8 spins, you win.
13 - Place 6 on 1st column, (1 to 34). Place 6 on 3rd column,(3 to 36). 1 on 0. 1 between 8 and 11. 1 between 17 and 20. 1 between 26 and 29, to cover 32 of the 37 possible outcomes in European Roulette.
14. Craps system No. 1. Put 1 on 'Don't Pass Bar'. Roll dice.A 7, 11, or 12 loses the bet. A 2 or 3 wins the bet. Any other number becomes the 'point' number. Put 1 on the point number, leaving your existing stake on Don't Pass. Roll the dice until a winner.
15 - Craps system No. 2. Put 1 on the 'Pass Line'. 7 or 11 wins the bet. 2, 3 or 12 loses the bet. Assuming 2, 3 or 12 are not rolled, put 3 just outside the Pass Line, in the unmarked area known a 'Free Odds'. Roll dice until a winner. (This is the Casino strategy with the lowest house edge of all, less than 1%)
16 - Craps system No. 3. Put 1 on 'Don't Pass Bar'. Roll dice. If any of the following is rolled, put 1 on the 'Lay' section of that number - 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10. Roll until a 7 is rolled for a win, or the 'Point' number is rolled for a loss. 7 is statistically the most likely to be rolled.
17 - 1 to 20 Range system. Pick a range of numbers. We suggest 1 to 20. Start betting in the middle of that range. (10.) Go up 1 on a loss, go down 1 on a win. As long as you don't lose 20 more bets than you win, you will stay ahead.
18 - 1,3,5,7 system. Bet 1 on Red or Black. Go up the progression on a losing bet only. Any time you are in a positive balance, re-start at 1 unit.
19 - Craps system No. 4. Place 10 on 'Don't Pass Bar.' Roll dice. After the roll, make 6 unit 'Place' bets on 6 and 8. Roll the dice until 6 or 8 are hit. Take the profit from this hit, leaving the bet on. You are now guaranteed not to lose. Keep rolling the dice. The second time 6 or 8 are rolled, place 5 units on the number 5. The third time 6 or 8 are rolled, place 5 units on the number 9. Then stop at next win.
21 - Two Dozens system. Place 1 on '1st 12', and 1 on '2nd 12.' Spin the wheel. If you win, keep to 1 on the same sections. if you lose, follow this progression - 3, 7, 15, 32.
22 - Single Dozens system. Wait until one of the Dozens sections has not come up for 5 consecutive spins. Bet 1 on that section. Follow this staking plan for any subsequent losing spins on that section. 1,1,2,3,6,9,13,20,30,45,68.
23. Labouchere System. Write down the numbers 1,2,3,4,5. Add up the outside numbers. 1 +5 = 6. Bet 6 on Black or Red. If you win, cross out the outside numbers, leaving 2,3,4. Add up the new outside numbers. 2 + 4 = 6. Bet 6 again. If you win, cross out the new outside numbers, leaving 3. Bet 3. If you lose at any point, add the number you have just staked to the list, so if the first bet lost, you would add the number 6 to the list. Then the next bet would be the sum of the outside numbers, 1 + 6 = 7.
24 - Gentle progression. A safe progressive staking plan is - 1 1 1.5 1.5 2 2 3 3 5 5 7 7 10. Stop at a winner.
25.- Stick to a number. Just choose one number on the Roulette table. Divide betting bank into 37 units. Bet on chosen number, any time it hits before the 37th spin will be a winner.
26. - Place 2 on Black. Place 1 on 1st column. (1 to 34) and 1 on 3rd column, (3 to 36). This covers all the table except 0, 5, 14, 23, and 32.
27. - En prison. Use the En Prison rule in Roulette if allowed. This returns 1/2 your stake if a 0 is spun, or allows another spin, making it the lowest possible house edge in Roulette.
28.- Place 12 on '1st 12'. Place 12 on '3rd 12'. Place 6 on the 6-number bet 13,14,15,16,17,18. Place 1 on the corner bet 19,20,22,23.
29. - The 10% rule. Bet 10% of your bankroll for each bet. Your bankroll size will change with every bet, win or lose, so re-calculate after every bet.
30. - 26 numbers system. This can be done two ways. Either place 1 on Red, and 1 on 2nd column,(2 to 35), or 1 on Black, and 1 on 3rd column, (3 to 36). These cover most of the table, with the smallest bets.
31. - Seven numbers system. Pick any 7 numbers, bet an equal amount on each. Repeat bet up to 3 times, quit if no winning spin. If you do win, add the winnings to the same 7 numbers, and repeat. Do this 3 times, for a maximum 21 unit loss, and 945 unit gain.
32 - Blackjack Basic Strategy. Stick to the rules of a Blackjack Basic Strategy, chart, Hitting, Holding or Splitting when instructed. This can actually reduce the House Edge to zero.
33. Thirty-Seven Spins Roulette. Put 1 on Black, 1 on Red. Spin wheel 37 times. Note which numbers come up 2 or more times. Then bet 1 unit on each of those numbers for the next 37 spins.
34. 6 Numbers. Bet on 6 numbers with a 'split street' bet. For example, where the numbers 25 and 28 meet the '3rd 12' section. Go up 1 for every losing bet. Go down 6 for every winning bet.
35. Bet 10 on any 'Dozens' section. (1st 12 etc.) Go down 2 on a win, go up 1 on a loss.
36. Place a 1 unit bet on each of the following, where they meet the 'Dozens' sections. 10 +13, 13 + 16, 16 + 19, 19 + 22, 22 + 25, 25 + 28. Spin the wheel. For every losing bet, go up 1 unit on each of the six chips, until you get 2 winning bets in a row on the inside numbers. Then halve your bet size on each stack of chips.
37. The Iron Cross Craps System. Place a 'Field' bet for 5 units, and 'Place bets on the numbers 5, 6, and 8 for 6 units each. Roll the dice, and simply replace any losing bets and continue playing. The only losing roll is a

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